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Here at Balls and Bumble Tatts, we are believers in everything related with balls and tattoos....fake ones....that you may not recall getting. So kick off your shoes and stay for a while. When you're here, you're family. We guarantee it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tickle Me Tuesday

A and MK: What are we being tickled by today? Toupees, of course. We have deemed today, September 20, 2011, officially as 'Toupee Tuesday' and no toupee shall be overlooked in our search to find the best ones. Join us in our journey? In doing a little research, here's what we've discovered about google-image searching toupees.

You've got your babies:

You've got your dogs:

You've got your baby dogs:

...And there you pretty much have it. Touche, Toupee.

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