Well folks, it's that time of the week again. The time that makes you sit down and really analyze your life and your unhealthy weekend drinking habits. Oh yes, it's Monday. And with Monday, comes Martha's corner - a place where problems come to find clear, non-helpful answers from A and MK themselves.
This week: Shoe, Shoe, What to do?
Hi A and MK--I am having a problem I am hoping you can help with. I just moved into an apartment with roommates. This is the first time I've lived with roommates since college, so I am not sure of the proper etiquette. But, lately, one of my roommates has been leaving her heels in the bathroom. I can't figure out why she chooses to take her shoes off once she gets into the bathroom or why she leaves them in there. Possibly it is a storage issue since our 3 bedroom NY apartment is smaller than most Chicago studios, but I am disturbed. What to do?
Sincerely, L
A- Dear L: Oh wow. The first Martha's corner starts out with a bang. This is a problem indeed. I have to give it to your roommate, using the restroom is nicer when you can kick-off your shoes. However, who wants to go to the bathroom with someone else's shoes watching you? That's like inviting a dog to a cat show (see feline Friday above). Next time roomie decides to let her feet loose, I'd take one of those heels and kindly place it in the toilet for safe keeping. When she asks who did it, shake your head and respond with "damn - the bathroom shoe bandit strikes again!". She'll never leave shoes there again. No one battles the bathroom shoe bandit and wins. no one.
MK - Dear L: Adjusting to your life with 2 additional roommates can be quite a challenge! I'm sorry your new roomie appears to be dropping her shoes like flies diving into a dung heap. (I hope the shoes don't smell like dung, by the way.) If you are looking for a somewhat of kinder reaction, perhaps put them in the bathroom garbage can because a) no one wants the things they will need to use in the bathroom garbage and b) because it is not as destructive as the toilet (although, I think the toilet option is stellar). I would also look into leaving her shoes just inside her bedroom door, so that way when she walks into her room at night, she will stumble and possibly break her face on the floor while tripping over her own shoes she did not put away. If she doesn't take these hints, maybe just getting an over the door shoe rack will have to be the compromise. Please keep us updated on what resolution works best for you!
FINAL THOUGHT: This roommate sucks and this bathroom debacle stinks!
While I can normally appreciate any removal of these prisons of the feet, aka "shoes", I have to agree with A and MK on this one. They've really hit the nail on the head. This behavior is unacceptable and really leads you down a slippery slope of barefoot roommate behavior. I mean, what will she do barefoot next? I can't even begin to imagine how horrifying this must be for you.