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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trick or Treat Thursday

Trick or Treat: Trick or Treat-ing



- Trick or Treating has been around since free candy became legal
- Trick or Treat originally meant the person asking for the treat would preform a trick for the amusement of the giver
- Parents who chose to give out 'tricks' instead of  'treats' are considered 'bad people'
- Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween
-  Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday after Christmas

RULING: Treat that can't be beat

A: Trick or Treating can only be referred to as one thing - a treat. Coming from me, this is big (if I do say so myself), as I was definitely the girl made it my mission to fill up my pillowcase/candy bag to the brim, eat one piece in excitement, and hide the rest under my sister's bed for her enjoyment the remainder of the year. Any holiday where it's socially acceptable to ask your neighbors for free stuff without expectation of anything back in return is really fine by me. Also, what a great way to judge people around you that you barely know. The house that gives out mini snickers? The mom is a decent human being. The house that gives out apples? The mom is a wet blanket. The house that gives out cans of regular coke? The mom is most likely going to allow underage drinking in years to come. The only trick about this ritual is that for some reason there's an age where it becomes 'weird' to partake in the activity (i.e. see MK's response below). Riddle me this: It's weird for an adult to dress up and go door-to-door for candy, but it's not weird for an adult to dress up, take 12 shots, and wake up in a gutter the next morning? I'm confused. Treat on, adults. Treat on.

MK: Ruling: A Treat! (Age restrictions apply). I remember the days of my trick-or-treating: they were magical. Once I got into high school, I must've decided I was way too cool to be asking people to give me some candy in a pillowcase. That's right, I didn't even have a cute accessory to put my delicious treats in, I was at the stage where I only wanted a pillowcase. I think that overall, trick-or-treating is such a treat, but once people get to a certain age - 15 and above - I think it's more of a trick. Most no longer have cute/awesome/rad costumes to ring doorbells in and it is obvious they are out for free candy, but you can't really blame them. Speaking of the candy.....it's such a trick when you get DumDum pops!

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