Welcome you little visitor, you

Here at Balls and Bumble Tatts, we are believers in everything related with balls and tattoos....fake ones....that you may not recall getting. So kick off your shoes and stay for a while. When you're here, you're family. We guarantee it.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Trick or Treat Thursday

WE'RE BACK!......and balls-ier than ever. We'd like to extend our sincerest of apologies to all who have been patiently awaiting a new post for about 3 months now. The office got a little busy, the holidays got a little boozy, and we got a little sidetracked from the bumbles tatts. We vow to never let this happen again if you vow to keep reading our posts. Deal? good. Here we go:

Trick or Treat: Decorating for the holidays....with a roommate

The winner

- Yes, we are aware the holidays are over and this topic may be slightly old
- Santa does not stop at houses that do not have appropriate decor
- All holiday decorations should be taken down by 1/15
- 2012 is the year of the clown

Ruling: TRICK

A: I'd say in general that holiday decorations are a treat. However, when you have roommates, your beloved decorations that you've much adored through the years are forced to mix n' mingle with decor from a different household...sometimes even a different generation...and the result can be an explosion of Christmas poison. The biggest delemma with this Christmas explosion is what you do with it once you've fallen victim. I'd say we can call take a page from MK's book here. What is that they say? When life give you lemons, make lemonade? Or some girls who think they are clever like to say spruce it up and say when life gives you lemons, add vodka. Harty har har. Either way you like to spin it, I think the saying applies here. When life gives you roommates with clown decorations that can cause nightmares, add props (i.e. a phone, sunglasses, toilet, or remote), and take pictures! Oh, and add said pictures to facebook....obviduh. Tag me!

MK: Welcome back, blog friends!  We might have fallin' off the wagon for a bit - spreadsheets took over our life - but we are back and ready to rock with 2012!  We thought that welcoming you back on a Thursday for our Trick or Treat would be the best way to start after our unabashed hiatus. 
Today's feature is quite the trick.  These were decorations that a roommate put up for Christmas.  I didn't think much of him until I was coming up the stairs one day and he was eerily staring at me through a small light from the window.  I had to turn on an inside light immediately.  Luckily, he didn't stay around for long, since he was mainly just for Christmas.  It was eerie sharing a house with Chucky's cousin.  Alas, we have all survived and there were no creepy visits either from him, although I might've checked once or twice to make sure he didn't wander into the bathroom while I was showering....
One day, we decided to involve this creature in some normal day to day activities and he willingly obliged.  The evening ended after one too many hot cocoas with peppermint schnapps and stopped talking to us.  Photo shoot over. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Feline Friday

Today has finally come. The day where it may, some how, some way, be considered normal to post pictures of cats in costume. With Halloween being right around the corner, Google images has really stepped up its' game with the amount of cat pictures readily available. And when you creepily love cats as much as we do.....the Feline Friday before Halloween is almost better than the holiday itself.

Ok, just girls dressed up as cats. They've really nailed the look.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trick or Treat Thursday

Trick or Treat: Trick or Treat-ing



- Trick or Treating has been around since free candy became legal
- Trick or Treat originally meant the person asking for the treat would preform a trick for the amusement of the giver
- Parents who chose to give out 'tricks' instead of  'treats' are considered 'bad people'
- Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween
-  Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday after Christmas

RULING: Treat that can't be beat

A: Trick or Treating can only be referred to as one thing - a treat. Coming from me, this is big (if I do say so myself), as I was definitely the girl made it my mission to fill up my pillowcase/candy bag to the brim, eat one piece in excitement, and hide the rest under my sister's bed for her enjoyment the remainder of the year. Any holiday where it's socially acceptable to ask your neighbors for free stuff without expectation of anything back in return is really fine by me. Also, what a great way to judge people around you that you barely know. The house that gives out mini snickers? The mom is a decent human being. The house that gives out apples? The mom is a wet blanket. The house that gives out cans of regular coke? The mom is most likely going to allow underage drinking in years to come. The only trick about this ritual is that for some reason there's an age where it becomes 'weird' to partake in the activity (i.e. see MK's response below). Riddle me this: It's weird for an adult to dress up and go door-to-door for candy, but it's not weird for an adult to dress up, take 12 shots, and wake up in a gutter the next morning? I'm confused. Treat on, adults. Treat on.

MK: Ruling: A Treat! (Age restrictions apply). I remember the days of my trick-or-treating: they were magical. Once I got into high school, I must've decided I was way too cool to be asking people to give me some candy in a pillowcase. That's right, I didn't even have a cute accessory to put my delicious treats in, I was at the stage where I only wanted a pillowcase. I think that overall, trick-or-treating is such a treat, but once people get to a certain age - 15 and above - I think it's more of a trick. Most no longer have cute/awesome/rad costumes to ring doorbells in and it is obvious they are out for free candy, but you can't really blame them. Speaking of the candy.....it's such a trick when you get DumDum pops!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What We're Listening To Wednesdays

Bum.Ble's Back ALRIGHT!

BSB? Anyone? Just me? Good. Good stuff. Ok, so we've been away for a while. I know.....this distance has been hard on both of us. But let me tell you, a LOT has happened since we've been gone (insert Kelly Clarkson song). For instance, MK booked herself a trip to Spain. NO JOKE. She's going to be a Spaniard. She's also discovered the Pumpkin Spice Coffee and Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate packets in the kitchen. Thus, a lot of time has been spent on warm, afternoon treats for herself and co-workers. Double thus, the blogging has taken a back seat. MK isn't all to blame --- I myself have fallen off the wagon . A recent iPad contest at work took over control of pretty much every life aspect for about a week and a half - sleeping, even breathing was hard to do. Luckily, I came out the victor and now normal things, like project management, can resume as regularly scheduled. Hoo-rah.

Without further adieu.....A and MK have both done some sort of strange cubicle dance to OUTKAST today. Making it officially A and MK OUTKAST day.
A: ATLiens
Yet another tune that goes on the list of songs that I could engage in a rap battle with and come out successfully. This one is particularly close to my heart because a kid in my fourth grade class used to rap this all the time. I remember sitting in awe as he warned me that when he's on the microphone I need to put on my sweater, 'cause he was cooler than a polar bear's toe nails, and oh hell, there he went again....talkin that 'ish. Let the record show - Mike McKinney (to be later referred to by his rapper name, Teflon, in high school) - that I'm still upset this was actually an Outkast song and not you're own lyrical styling. DAMN. Although, this kid also taught me a Mikey Mouse version of "Whomp There It Is" that earned me a lot of cred on the playground of Mill Street Elementary School. So, I can't be that mad. This one's for you, Tef.


MK: Rosa Parks
Welcome back to our blog! We apologize for our hiatus, but we are back with avengence. Today, I'm listening to Outkast - Rosa Parks. To be honest, this was my strut song when I walked into the building this morning. It wasn't on purpose as my iPod was on shuffle, but it came on and it has stuck with me throughout the day. The beat is catchy, and the chorus is easy to sing along with. All criteria that makes this a repeater throughout the day.


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Trick or Treat Thursday

Pumpkin Spice Latte's (PSLs): Trick or Treat?

A bumper stick for most stay-at-home moms.
Excited patron at SB noticing the PSL is back. We don't know her, but we're guessing she's a treat.

- Starbuck's best pick-up line: "When it's time to fall back into fall, sweet and spicy pumpkin is sure to please".
- 380 calories for a grande. That's a little grand. Eh?
- The current world record for biggest pumpkin ever is a massive 1,725 pounds. (Imagine this fact being said in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice. Not sure why. Just do it.)
- No actual pumpkins are harmed in the making of this drink.


A: Since the beginning of time, I've never been a die-hard Starbucks enthusiast. I know...most people gasp at the thought of that sentence. I think my hold up is between the beverages that cost as much as a meal, the secret language you're required to know the instant you walk in the place (no whip, double foam, one pump syrup, two shots in the head.....please and thanks), and the SB addicts who idolize the mermaid on the cup like she's freaking Princess Ariel. The only thing that tickles my Tuesday about this place is the paraphernalia they sell. Who'd pass up the opportunity to buy a clear insulated tumbler that actually looks like the plastic cups they give you in the store?  The marketing is groundbreaking. I must admit....I've never actually tried a PSL, but I still rule this liquid nightmare as a trick because of one reason: FACEBOOK. Fall rolls around, and it's suddenly every girls' cue to post a mobile upload of the SB cup as if they have accomplished something great for the day. Here's the deal: ya haven't. I know it's fall, I know we're all excited, and I know you'd like to jump into a sweater and curl up by the fire. But please, does the world need to know that the highlight of your day was created by a green-aproned guy named Rufus? No. The answer is always no.

MK: Pumpkin Spice Lattes:  Known to the Starads (Starbucks addicts) as PSL's, are quite tricky.  I've been known to indulge myself in these little lattes, but over the years, they'e become a staple in the mornings of many pseudo-hipsters, mainly of the female gender.  Before I go into further explanation of this trickiness, let me just reiterate the fact that I, too, join the ranks of many and get a PSL....once in a while.  The main trick here is the constant Facebook comments and mobile uploads of said folks with their PSL's.  We get it.  It's fall.  Weather is getting cooler, leaves are changing color. There's no need to fill up a newsfeed with your posts or comments about your latest and greatest coffee treat. Trick's on you for spending $6 on a coffee. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What We're Listening To Wednesday

Balls and Bumble Tatts is pleased to announce the celebration of.......


 That's right. A day to celebrate all the glory that is the girl with the dolla (holla!) sign. People around the world are celebrating this joyous day, so we'd thought we'd join in. Obviduh. Just take a look: 

Don't stop. Make it Pop. DJ turn our speakers up. Here is what we've been listening to in honor of the fierce fashionista:

A: Grow a Pear - Ke$ha
At first glance, what would you think this song is about? Fruit? Growing? Well get this...it's none of the above. Let's just say that I haven't seen a pun for a song this good since K. Perry's classic, "I want to see your peacock." Oh the wittiness! While she has other innovative song titles (i.e. C U Next Tuesday), this song really deals with the day-to-day strife of a girl who's just trying to deal with a guy who's body parts resemble that of a woman.....pa-lea$e believe that harsher language is used in the actual song. This one hasn't quite hit the top ten charts yet, but don't let that stop you from giving it a listen. Not only will it motivate you to think negative thoughts about whatever suitable gentleman you're with at the time, it will also really make you question why our girl Ke$ has not received a grammy as of yet. "To be perfectly honest, I'm just not hooked on your phoenix"? I mean, only a genius writes lyrics like that. I hope the world gets to enjoy this number over the airwaves soon.  And by airwaves, I mean in a small, concealed closet area with the volume on low so parents of any kind are sure to not hear it. Party. Karamu. Ke$ha. Foreva.

MK: Your Love is My Drug - Ke$ha
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL KE$HA DAY!!!!  To honor this magnificent day, we have decided to spotlight our favorite Ke$ha songs.  Personally, mine is "Your Love is My Drug".  She's pretty upbeat talking about who she is in L-O-V-E with and how she's addicted - it's a crisis!  I always wonder what this dude's reaction is, and I hope he said yes to the slumber party in her basemet.  I just want to know how many glitter drums she owns and if she practiced with them when said crush had slumbered in her basement.

........Happy International Ke$ha Day to all and to all a goodnight.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mullet and Mustache Monday

Welcome followers and welcome cold season! Martha has come down with a bit of a sickness today, so we've replaced our normal 'Martha's corner' with 'Mullet and Mustache Monday'. Mullet and Mustache Monday is like a free quarter pounder with cheese monopoly piece at McDonald's....a rare find, but oh-so-tasty!

Ready. Set. Stache.

This mullet either went solo to the prom or let his frat bro's cut his hair prior to the big composite picture. Accompanied with the red bowtie, this guy is all flash and no trash.
This Indian Princess is channeling her business-side and thinking about how great it is that her hair does not require an extensive amount of time to prepare in the morning. With that extra time, she can get to school extra early.

This guy is so mysterious, I feel like I'm reading a goose bumps novel. Can I see his eyes or can't I? Does his yellow jacket match the couch or doesn't it? Is his stache real or drawn on with permie marker?
I look at this and think of Jimmy Buffet's song, then wonder if that song was this man's inspiration for his pencil thin mustache. He looks like a Parrott Head.